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Kate Wolf - Close to You

Kate Wolf
Close To You

Thanks to fans’ support of Our Kickstarter campaign, Close To You is back in Print

Safe At Anchor - front.png


Listen to 1-minute clips here or full songs on YouTube and Spotify.

Original Liner Notes

Getting caught in the act of being human is something that happens to us all. Kate Wolf's greatest gift is her ability to share that most personal of experiences through words and music and somehow make us feel that we are not alone-someone else has been there too. Throughout Kate's career she has expressed many ideas, both joys and sorrows, but the message has remained basically the same:

"The shortest road ain't always the best,
Some time let a back road take you home."

Thank you Kate,
Bill Griffin

As Program Director of KSAN, I listen to a lot of music. After awhile most of it starts to sound the same.

That's why I'm a fan of Kate Wolf. Her music isn't like everyone else's. It's real. Maybe it's like baking a cake. You can follow directions right off the package or you can bake it right from scratch. Kate sings from scratch. Each one of her songs is different and unique: she sings about where she has been, where she is now, and speaks for the everyday concerns that affect us all.

Kate's following is growing, partly, I think, because she gives of herself in her music, and she knows where she's going with it. She's not like a lot of artists who, when they start in one direction and then try to cross over and appeal to everybody, lose themselves in the process. She is true to herself and to what she loves best.

Close to You is a collection of new Kate Wolf songs. She gets close to us in every one. She feels what we all feel, and I can't help but think that life would be a lot smoother if only we all could say it the way she does.

Bob Young
KSAN San Francisco


Produced by Bill Griffin and Tom Diamant
Musical Direction: Bill Griffin
Recording and Mixing Engineer: Bill Wolf
Mastering: George Horn, Fantasy Studios
Album design: Ted Sharpe
Compact disc design: Elizabeth Weil
Color photographs: Lee Blum
Special Thanks:
   To Robbie Osman for helping me across.
   To my family for understanding.
   To everyone who worked so hard to make this album possible.
   To Bill Wolf for heart and vision.
   To the Cache Valley Drifters, Nina Gerber, Ford James and Jeff Alexson.
   To Lee for bringing out the fine grain.

Release History

1981  Kaleidoscope Records F-15
1994  Rhino Records 71482
2020 Owl Records OWL-009


Kate Wolf  vocals, guitar, piano
Bill Amatneek  acoustic bass
Darol Anger  violin
Norton Buffalo  harmonica
Nina Gerber guitar, mandolin, electric guitar, harmony vocal
Bill Griffin  harmony vocal, mandolin, piano, guitar
Ford James  electric bass, harmony vocal
Daniel Jones  pedal steel guitar
Tom Lackner  drums & percussion
Tom Lee  acoustic bass
Tony Rice  harmony vocal, guitar
Peter Siegel  pedal steel guitar
John Tenny  string arrangements


The song Close To You is dedicated to
the memory of Tina Wilson Roos.