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Kate Wolf Albums

Kate Wolf Albums

In her lifetime, Kate released six albums – including a double live album – and she compiled a retrospective collection. Subsequently, record companies, in conjunction with Kate's family, have released six posthumous albums.

Sing Out!
Released January, 2024

Owlsey Stanley Foundation Presents Bear’s Sonic Journals
Live at the Berkeley Community Theater, April 25, 1981:

  • Jerry Garcia & Bob Weir

  • Country Joe McDonald

  • Kate Wolf, with Nina Gerber and Ford James (7 tracks)

  • Rosalie Sorrels

  • Rhythm Devils

Live In Mendocino
Released June, 2018

Kate Wolf’s affinity for the California coast is reflected in this collection of twenty songs from Mendocino area concerts, including eight previously unreleased (three by Kate).

Album currently out of print.

Album currently out of print.

Weaver Of Visions – 2000

With the help of fans and friends, Kate’s family compiled a definitive collection of her work spanning her entire career, including live and posthumous releases. The 2½ hour double album also includes three previously unreleased songs. The 44-page booklet traces Kate’s life in pictures and a 10,000 word essay.

Carry It On – 1996

Compiled by Nina Gerber, these recordings were made in Berkeley, California, from 1978 to 1981. Kate’s five songs, including two previously unreleased, were written around the same period. These songwriters represent some of Kate’s major influences, especially Gil “Jellyroll” Turner, author of the title track.

Album currently out of print.

Album currently out of print.

Looking Back At You – 1994

Live in Los Angeles 1977-1979

Compiled by Bill Griffin, one of Kate’s co-producers, this release explores the simpler, unadorned side of Kate.

Album currently out of print.

Album currently out of print.

An Evening In Austin – 1989

The full recording of Kate's 1985 Austin City Limits show.  Video version available on DVD. Awarded NAIRD Best Folk Album of 1989.

The Wind Blows Wild – 1988

A Collection Of Studio Recordings, Radio Shows And Live Performances. Compiled by Kate's longtime accompanist, Nina Gerber. Includes a studio version of Give Yourself To Love as well as the last song that Kate wrote and recorded.

for the album page:

Compiled by Kate’s longtime musical associate, Nina Gerber, this album spans a wide range of time and music. The title song is the final one that Kate recorded (1986). Here are both live and studio performances all radiating the heartfelt magic of Kate Wolf.

Album currently out of print.

Album currently out of print.

Gold In California – 1986

A Retrospective Of Recordings 1975-1985

This double album is a retrospective of Kate’s studio recordings featuring many of her favorites. When Kate became ill, she began compiling this collection and finished it just before she became unable to work. Kate selected all the songs and photographs, and wrote the notes for the cover. It was awarded NAIRD Best Folk Album of 1987.

Poet's Heart – 1985

Kate's final studio album. It was awarded NAIRD Best Folk Album of 1986.

Give Yourself To Love – 1983

Double album recorded live!

Accompanied by longtime band members Nina Gerber and Ford James, Kate produced this album to accurately reflect her concerts. It was awarded NAIRD Best Folk Album of 1983.

Safe At Anchor – 1979

Kate's first album on Kaleidoscope Records.

Lines On The Paper – 1977

Kate's second self-released album.

Back Roads – 1976

Kate released her debut album on her own Owl Records label.