Album - Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert — Official Kate Wolf Website

7 Kate Wolf Tracks on the New “Sing Out!” Collection

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Album - Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert

Various Artists
Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert

Thanks to fans’ support of Our Kickstarter campaign, Owl Records released this concert as a double album

Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert - Album Cover - 600px.png

On January 27, 2017, Kate Wolf’s family presented a concert in memory of the late California folk singer/songwriter on her 75th birthday. Kate often performed at the Freight & Salvage when it was a small coffee house that held under 100 people. Artist warmed up in the stock room, and Kate (and her son, Max) sold records from the stage during intermission.

Kate also participated in many benefits at the Freight and in Berkeley, so we extended the tradition by having the concert also be a benefit; this time for Camp Winnarainbow, Wavy Gravy’s circus and performing arts camp that serves economically disadvantaged youth.

  • 2½-hour double album

  • 45 tracks: 21 songs and 24 stories and introductions

  • Six printed pages in the CD jewel case

  • Downloadable Concert Program

Available On CD and via download

Two Compact Discs: $22

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MP3 Format: download both Act 1 and Act 2 ($6.50 each) for the full album.

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FLAC Format: download all four parts ($3.25 each) for the full album.

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Chris Webster & Nina Gerber

Chris Webster & Nina Gerber

The Cache Valley Drifters

The Cache Valley Drifters

Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert
Act 1

Chris Webster & Nina Gerber
The Cache Valley Drifters
emcees Wavy Gravy & Bill Amatneek

Listen to 1-minute clips from the event.

1. Introduce Act 1
Wavy Gravy
2. Introduce Lay Me Down Easy
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber
3. Lay Me Down Easy
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber (Written by Kate Wolf)
4. Introduce You’re Not Standing Like You Used To
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber
5. You’re Not Standing Like You Used To
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber (Written by Kate Wolf)
6. Introduce Love Still Remains
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber
7. Love Still Remains
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber (Written by Kate Wolf)
8. Introduce Lines On The Paper
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber
9. Lines On The Paper
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber (Written by Kate Wolf)
10. Introduce These Times We’re Living In
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber
11. These Times We’re Living In
Chris Webster & Nina Gerber (Written by Kate Wolf)
12. Introduce the Cache Valley Drifters
Bill Amatneek
13. Desert Wind
The Cache Valley Drifters (Written by Kate Wolf)
14. Introduce Rising Of The Moon
The Cache Valley Drifters
15. Rising Of The Moon
The Cache Valley Drifters (Written by Kate Wolf)
16. Eyes Of A Painter
The Cache Valley Drifters (Written by Kate Wolf)
17. Introduce Only A Dream
The Cache Valley Drifters
18. Only A Dream
The Cache Valley Drifters (Written by Kate Wolf and Bill Griffin)
19. Introduce Who Woulda Thunk It
The Cache Valley Drifters
20. Who Woulda Thunk It
The Cache Valley Drifters (Written by Greg Brown)
21. Conclude Act 1
Bill Amatneek

Don Coffin • Hugh Shacklett • Sherry Austin

Don Coffin • Hugh Shacklett • Sherry Austin

Poor Man’s Whiskey with Nina Gerber & Bill Griffin

Poor Man’s Whiskey with Nina Gerber & Bill Griffin

Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert
Act 2

Don Coffin • Hugh Shacklett • Sherry Austin
Poor Man’s Whiskey
Poor Man’s Whiskey with Nina Gerber & Bill Griffin
emcees Wavy Gravy & Bill Amatneek

Listen to 1-minute clips from the event.

22. Introduce Act 2
Bill Amatneek
23. Introduce Sweet Love
Don Coffin
24. Sweet Love
Don Coffin (Written by Kate Wolf)
25. Introduce Everybody's Looking For The Same Thing
Hugh Shacklett
26. Everybody's Looking For The Same Thing
Hugh Shacklett (Written by Kate Wolf & Hugh Shacklett)
27. Introduce Here In California
Sherry Austin
28. Here In California
Sherry Austin (Written by Kate Wolf)
29. Introduce The Redtail Hawk
Don Coffin
30. The Redtail Hawk
Don Coffin (Written by George Schroder)
31. Introduce Mama
Hugh Shacklett
32. Mama
Hugh Shacklett (Written by Hugh Shacklett)
33. Introduce Green Eyes
Sherry Austin
34. Green Eyes
Sherry Austin (Written by Kate Wolf)
35. Introduce Poor Man's Whiskey
Wavy Gravy
36. Like A River
Poor Man’s Whiskey (Written by Kate Wolf)
37. Introduce Sierra Girl
Poor Man’s Whiskey
38. Sierra Girl
Poor Man’s Whiskey (Written by Josh Brough & Jason Beard)
39. Introduce Hurry Home
Poor Man’s Whiskey
40. Hurry Home
Poor Man’s Whiskey (Written by Kate Wolf)
41. Introduce Across The Great Divide
Poor Man’s Whiskey
42. Across The Great Divide
Poor Man’s Whiskey (Written by Kate Wolf)
43. Introduce Give Yourself To Love
44. Give Yourself To Love
Ensemble (Written by Kate Wolf)
45. Conclude Act 2


Nina Gerber
Chris Webster
The Cache Valley Drifters
(Bill Griffin, Wally Barnick, Mike Mullins)
Don Coffin
Hugh Shacklett
Sherry Austin

Poor Man’s Whiskey (Jason Beard, Josh Brough, Jeff Coleman, Ben Andrews, George Smeltz, Murph Murphy, David Noble)
Wavy Gravy, emcee
Bill Amatneek, emcee


Concert and Album Produced by Max Wolf
Concert logistics by Hannah Wolf, Terry Fowler and Kate’s Family
Mixed by Lou Judson
Recorded by Bob Whitfield
Mastered by Dracaena Wolf
Cover Design by Bonnie Kate Wolf & Max Wolf
Album Design by Max Wolf
Photographs by Nicholas Wilson


All songs written by Kate Wolf and © Another Sundown Publishing Co. (BMI) except where noted. The Redtail Hawk © Gratitude Music Co. (BMI). Sierra Girl © Josh Brough & Jason Beard. Who Woulda Thunk It © Brown/Feldman Publishing. Mama © Hugh Shacklett.

Thanks to:

Andrea, Bob and the staff and volunteers at the Freight & Salvage for a magnificent venue and enthusiastic support
Family, friends, fans and artists who celebrate and preserve Kate’s legacy

Release History

2017  Digital-only reward for Kickstarter backers
2020  Owl Records OWL-019

Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert
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