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Survey - Reissue Kate Wolf's Last Three Albums

Survey Help
for the Kickstarter Campaign to
Reissue Kate Wolf's Last Three Albums

Survey Overview

  • When and how will I receive my backer survey invitation?

    • Surveys invitations will go out between October 29 and November 5, 2020

    • Each backer will receive an email with a unique link to visit BackerKit, the pledge manager website

  • What is a backer survey?

    • The survey gathers information from a backer to ensure that a project creator (Kate’s family) has the necessary information to fulfill the pledge the backer made in Kickstarter

  • What information does the survey ask for?

    • Backers can change their desired pledge level

    • Backers can add additional items (“add-ons”) to their pledge, including the double CD album Kate Wolf 75th Birthday Concert

    • For backers with any physical items (e.g. CD, Songbook, DVD, Vinyl), the pledge manager will request a shipping address

    • The pledge manager will ask for a credit card payment if the backer’s Kickstarter pledge amount doesn’t fully cover any shipping or add-ons

  • Who needs to respond to the survey?

    • Backers who chose “No Reward” in Kickstarter and would now like a reward should open the survey and change their pledge level

    • Backers who pledged for digital downloads will receive download instructions after the survey is locked on November 28th

    • Backers who pledged for physical items will enter their shipping address


  • Which delivery services will you use to send packages?

    • Under three pounds: USPS.

    • Over three pounds: UPS for U.S. orders and DHL Worldwide Express for other countries.

  • Can you ship to a post office box in the United States?

    • Yes, no problem!

  • It’s after November 5th and I haven’t received the email for BackerKit

    • Please check you email program’s spam and trash folder

    • Click Contact Us at the bottom of this page and send a note

  • How does BackerKit work?